C&RL News
ILIAD Presentation at ACRL, 2023
Reflections on an ACRL
Panel Discussion
After their ACRL presentation in Pittsburgh in 2023, Clarence Maybee, Karen Kaufmann, Virginia Tucker, and John Budd reflected on what they learned from engaging with the in-person and virtual attendees at their panel session. They wrote up their conclusions, which has been published in volume 84, issue 10 of College & Research Libraries News. The articles describes how the session attendees comments through polling software and in-person questions richly added to the presenters’ ideas about how library and information science education, ethics, and teaching and research practices in libraries may change if information literacy is recognized as a discipline.
The full article is open-access and is available at https://crln.acrl.org/index.php/crlnews/article/view/26111